Thursday, May 28, 2009

Weight Watchers - Week 20

Let me just say UGHHHHH!!! I gained .5 this week (back up to 168.5/24 pounds lost). I started my week off well but blew it Memorial Day weekend. Although, I wasn't that bad? I'll blame it on my "friend" again this week. I'm really bummed because I expected to have all the weight I wanted to lose gone by now so I'm about 8 plus pounds behind. I really need to get back on track. I've been saying it but it's hard to stay on. I hate to admit it but I am kind of a junk food junkie. I love chips and chocolate and ice cream especially. Not good!!! Well, good but not so good for the ass! LOL It doesn't help that I'm home all day and the snack cabinet is right there, tempting me all day. It would be a lot easier if I was working and it wasn't just there, available to me at any time. Let me reiterate... UGHHHHH!!! hehe

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